Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Feasibility of Moringa Oleifera(malunggay) Leaves Extract as an Alternative Green Water Color

"The Feasibility of Moringa oleifera (malunggay) Extract as an Alternative Green Water Color"


The researcher decided to conduct this study to know the other possible uses of malunggay aside from its multiple usage and benefits. When dealing with practicality, it is more preferable to use malunggay as a dish because of its very nutritious content but the researcher is aware of that and is only trying to discover another usage of malunggay. This is only for research purposes.

In the experiment the researcher collected enough malunggay to produce a 5g of its leaves. The leaves were then extracted from its stem and then being crushed using the mortar and pestle. The crushed leaves were then squizzed in order to get its extract. The extracts were then divided into three to be subjected to different treatments. A test was then conducted on how to improve the quality of the malunggay extract. 2tbs. of its extract was been added with 1tbs. of water and another 2tbs.of extract was been added with 1tbs. of alcohol and 2tbs. of its extract was remained concentrated with no additives at all. Based on the test conducted, the researcher found out that the extract mixed with alcohol has the best qualities.

the extract with alcohol was then applied to different surfaces to determine on which surface it suits best. it was applied on an ordinary bond paper, an illustration board, a piece of plywood and a white-painted wall. the qualities were then measured( the rate of drying, texture, and intensity of color). based on the experiment, the researcher concluded that it suits best in the illustration board.

So the researcher therefore conclude that the malunggay extract can be an alternative green water color.


The researcher would like to express his sincerest gratitude to the ALMIGHTY GOD for giving him strenght and courage to pursue this study. To his family for their undying support and financial assistance. To his friends for the advices and moral support they gave. And last but not the least for his Research teacher Ms. Balve Granido for the immeasurable patience in teaching us. Thank you very much!


I- Introduction

a.) Background of the study
b.) Statement of the problem
c.) Hypothesis
d.) Significance of the study
e.) Scope and limitation
f.) Definition of terms

II- Review of related literature

III- Methodology

IV- Results and Discussion

V- Conclusion and Reccomendation


Chapter I


Malunggay or scientifically called as Moringa oleifera is very well-known for its very nutritious content. It is commonly used in cooking for dishes. Another uses of it includes: (1) effective flocculant or water treatment, (2) as an antibiotic, (3) source of oil, and (4) cogulant for turbid water. It contains seven times the vitamin c in oranges, four times the vitamin a in carrots, three times the iron in spinach, and four times as much calcium in milk. It is also popular for the health benefits it can give. Examples of these are it helps managed headaches and migraines, very suitable for the skin, and helps reduce and prevent disease complication.So aside from those usage and benefits of malunggay it gives and provides, the researcher had come up with an idea of making its leaves extract as an alternative green water color. So that we can add its usage and discover another way of using it. By pounding its leaves, we can get its green extract which will be studied and develop if it can be an alternative green water color


Can the malunggay green leaves extract can be an alternative green water color?


Null hypothesis: The maluggay leaves extract can't be alternative greenwatercolor.

Alternative hypothesis: The malunggay leaves extact can be an alternative green water color.


Malunggay is a green leafy plant which is known its very nutritious. So aside from that usage of maluggay, the researcher had come out with an idea if it can be use as an alternative green water color so that it can be use in another way.It can help the people in the sense that if you dont have money to buy the commercialize one because your running out of green and even yellow and blue is empty, you can use this as an alternative green water color. So aside from its very nutritious and helpful, we have discover another usage of it.

When dealing with practicality, it is preferable to eat malunggay than just making it into green water color but the researcher doesn't mean to say that you should stop eating malunggay, he would just like to know if it can be use an alternative green water color so that its usage will be added. At least in any way we can discover another way of using malunggay.


The researcher had limit he study of the possibility of making its leaves extract as an alternative green water color and to test on which kind of surface it suits best.


Malunggay- a green leafy plant which has very nutritous content
Water color- another coloring material which uses brush and water


Review of Related Literature

Moringa oleifera, commonly referred to simply as Moringa, is the most widely cultivated variety of the genus Moringa. It is of the family Moringaceae. It is an exceptionally nutritious vegetable tree with a variety of potential uses. The tree itself is rather slender with drooping branches that grows to approximately 10 m in height; however, it normally is cut back annually to one meter or less, and allowed to regrow, so that pods and leaves remain within arms reach.
The Moringa tree grows mainly in semi-arid tropical and subtropical areas. While it grows best in dry sandy soil, it tolerates poor soil, including coastal areas. It is a fast-growing, drought-resistant tree that is native to the southern foothills of the Himalayas, and possibly Africa and the Middle East. Today it is widely cultivated in Africa, Central and South America, Sri Lanka, India, Mexico, Malaysia and the Philippines. Considered one of the world’s most useful trees, as almost every part of the Moringa tree can be used for food, or has some other beneficial property. In the tropics it is used as foliage for livestock. The tree has its origin from the South Indian State of Tamilnadu.
The immature green pods, called “drumsticks” are probably the most valued and widely used part of the tree. They are commonly consumed in India, and are generally prepared in a similar fashion to green beans and have a slight asparagus taste. The seeds are sometimes removed from more mature pods and eaten like peas.or roasted like nuts. The flowers are edible when cooked, and are said to taste like mushrooms. The roots are shredded and used as a condiment in the same way as horseradish, however it contains the alkaloid spirochin, a potentially fatal nerve paralyzing agent, so such practices should be strongly discouraged.
The leaves are highly nutritious, being a significant source of beta-carotene, Vitamin C, protein, iron and potassium. The leaves are cooked and used like spinach. In addition to being used fresh as a substitute for spinach, its leaves are commonly dried and crushed into a powder, and used in soups and sauces. Murungakai Tamil as it is locally known in Tamil Nadu is used in Siddha medicine. Its leaves are full of medicinal properties. The tree is a good source for calcium and phosphorus. In Siddha medicine, the drumstick seeds are used as a sexual virility drug for treating erectile dysfunction in men and also in women for prolonging sexual activity.
The Moringa seeds yield 38–40% edible oil (called ben oil, from the high concentration of behenic acid contained in the oil) that can be used in cooking, cosmetics, and lubrication. The refined oil is clear, odorless, and resists rancidity at least as well as any other botanical oil. The seed cake remaining after oil extraction may be used as a fertilizer or as a flocculant to purify water.
The bark, sap, roots, leaves, seeds, oil and flowers are used in traditional medicine in several countries. In Jamaica, the sap is used for a blue dye.

Watercolor (US) or Watercolour (UK) (and "aquarelle" in French) is a painting method. A watercolor is the medium or the resulting artwork, in which the paints are made of pigments suspended in a water soluble vehicle. The traditional and most common support for watercolor paintings is paper; other supports include papyrus, bark papers, plastics, vellum or leather, fabric, wood, and canvas. In East Asia, watercolor painting with inks is referred to as brush painting or scroll painting. In Chinese and Japanese painting it has been the dominant medium, often in monochrome black or browns. India, Ethiopia and other countries also have long traditions. Fingerpainting with watercolor paints originated in China.

As of today in the modern
world, no attempt of using malunggay extract as a water color had been
No experiments was ever conducted related to this study. No further information in the internet can be obtained regardingthe feasibility of malunggay extract as an alternative green water color




5g malunggay leaves

mortar and pestle

1tbs of alcohol

1tbs of water

ordinary bond paper


illustration board

a white-painted wall



  • the gathering of materials needed for the experiment

  • separation of the leaves from the stem of malunggay, about 5g of the leaves

  • pounding/crushing of the leaves using mortar and pestle

  • the filtration of the extract making sure that the extract will be pure with no trace of tiny bits of its pounded leaves

  • improving the quality of the malunggay extract by making its smell good and its color very green. Different maluggay extracts were treated with different liquids. 2 tbs. of its extract was being added with 1tbs. of water and another 2tbs. with 1tbs of alcohol and 2tbs. was left concentrated.

  • application of the malunggay extract with alcohol to different surfaces to determine on which surface it suits best. One stroke of paintbrush was applied to an ordinary bond paper, an illustration board, a plywood, and a white-painted wall. The qualities were then measured (texture and intensity of color) and also the rate of drying was measured using a stopwatch.


Results and Discussion

A Test to Determine How to Improve The Quality of Malunggay Extract



Rate of drying

Pure Malunggay Extract


Deep green

Smells like a malunggay

(malunggay smell dominated)


Malunggay Extract with water


Light green

Smells like a malunggay

(the water has no effect on its smell)


Malunggay Extract with Alcohol


Light green

Smells like an alcohol with a little bit of malunggay

(the alcohol dominates than malunggay)



6 tbs. Of malunggay extract was obtained from 3 grams of malunggay. The 6 tbs. Of malunggay extract was then divided into three so that it will be subjected to different treatments. 2 tbs. Of its exract was mixed wuth 1 tbs. Of water while another 2 tbs. Was mixed with 1 tbs. Of alcohol and the other 2 tbs. Of malunggay extract was not mixed with any liquid and left concentrated. (Note: the researcher has no laboratory apparatus at home that's why he preffered to use the tablespoon or tbs. ). The three different malunggay extracts were then properly mixed and stirred. After which, the three different extracts were applied to a white paper to see and determine which extract has the best qualities. The color, smell, and rate of drying was then measured and used as the bases of which extract has the best qualities (see table above for the results). After the experiment, the researcher concluded that the extract mixed with alcohol is the one that possesses the best quality among the three.

Application of the Malunggay Extract to Different Surfaces to Determine on which Surface it Suits Best”

(using the malunggay mixed with acohol)

Rate of drying


Intensity of color

Ordinary bond paper


Slightly rough

Light green

Illustration board



Light green




Dark green(the color is not so visible)

White-painted wall



Light green


The malunggay extract was then apllied to different surfaces to see on which surface it fits. One stroke of paint brush was applied to different surface and then the qualities were then measured. Based on the table the researcher therefore conclude that it is nice to see at the illustration board.

Legend: ~ - approximately equal to

Important Note!

Malunggay, as we all know, is an ORGANIC MATTER tht's why it cant be PRESERVED because it decomposes easily. The malunggay extract can only be used with DIRECT APPLICATION.



The researcher therefore conclude that it is feasible to use the malunggay extract as an alternative green water color base on the experiment conducted.


The researcher reccomends a further study on the other possible uses of the malunggay extract, so too, is the other sources of water color(eg. another well-known plant).


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/water color # Materials_2

http://www.maluggay.com/description.htm Dr. Kumar Pati, CEO


Balve said...

Literature should include characteristics of plants as water color. Procedure must be described in details. Explain why used leaves as color when in fact it is used as food which contains nutrients needed by the body. So which is practical to do with the malunggay leaves... as food? or as water color?

Balve said...

These are the things you need to do:
Table of Contents But do not place page number
Delete your table
Drawing with color applied with your product

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